Facebook In The News — Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has reacted to U.S President Donald Trump after suggesting the social network is full of "fake news" and Facebook Anti-Trump propaganda. ...
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was Live today discussing Russian interference in U.S elections using Facebook Ads and the next steps Facebook is taking to protect the integrity of the U.S democratic process. ...
FBtutorial.com | Facebook News — Last month, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg made a statement on August 23rd via his profile page regarding the new subscription model to help news organizations fund their journalism efforts....
FBtutorial.com | Facebook News — Facebook has removed Instant Articles support from its Messenger app, a new report by TechCrunch reveals. This comes just a little over a year after Facebook first introduced the feature back in 2015. ...
FBtutorial.com | Facebook News — We gathered Facebook is offering major record labels and music publishers hundreds of millions of dollars to allow users legally include copyrighted songs in their uploaded videos. ...
FBtutorial.com | Facebook News — Facebook recently revealed that fake accounts linked to Russian entities spent approximately $100,000 USD on political ads during the 2016 U.S presidential elections....