Mark Zuckerberg’s statement on paid subscription model for news on Facebook | Facebook News — Last month, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg made a statement on August 23rd via his profile page regarding the new subscription model to help news organizations fund their journalism efforts.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook News Subscription Model

In his own words, Zuck wrote the following statement on testing out paid news subscription:

“I’ve spent a lot of time over the past year meeting with news organizations to talk about how we can work better together. As more people get more of their news from places like Facebook, we have a responsibility to create an informed community and help build common understanding.

We can’t do that without journalists, but we also know that new technologies can make it harder for publishers to fund the journalism we all rely on. To be a better partner to the news industry, we started the Facebook Journalism Project. Our goal is to work more closely with newsrooms to develop products like Instant Articles and tools for journalists to report their stories. We’re also working with publishers, researchers and universities to help people become more informed about the news they read online.

As part of this, we’re going to test new ways to help news organizations grow their subscriptions. If people subscribe after seeing news stories on Facebook, the money will go directly to publishers who work hard to uncover the truth, and Facebook won’t take a cut. We plan to start with a small group of U.S. and European publishers later this year and we’ll listen to their feedback.

We’re also making an update this week to help more people see where the news they read on Facebook comes from. Now when people search for an article or see one that’s trending, they’ll also see publisher logos next to the article. This update came from conversations we had with news publishers around the world. Eventually, our goal is to put a publisher’s logo next to every news article on Facebook so everyone can understand more about what they’re reading.

Giving people a voice is not enough without having organizations dedicated to uncovering new information and analyzing it. We’re going to keep experimenting with different ways to support the news industry and make sure reporters and publishers everywhere can keep doing their important work.” 

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