What kind of information does Facebook collect from Users?

It is only right to know the kind of information Facebook collects from you when you use their social networking services. Facebook collects different kind of information (data) from users (and about users), depending on which FB services they use.

User Data and Privacy Policy on Facebook

Explained below, are 7 types of information (data) Facebook collects from their Users:

1. Things you do and information you provide to Facebook

Facebook collects and stores user content and other information they provide when you use Facebook’s social networking services, including when users sign up for an account, create or share, and message or communicate with others. Facebook also collects information about how you use their social media services, such as the type of content you view or engage with, or the frequency and duration of your activities on Facebook (e.g: “cookies”).

Facebook data policy tutorial
Facebook data policy tutorial
2. Things others do and information they provide to Facebook

Facebook also collects content and information that other people (such as your friends, family members, etc.) provide when they use Facebook’s Services, including information about you, such as when they share a photo of you, send a message to you, or upload, sync or import your contact information.

3. Your networks and connections on Facebook

Facebook collects information about the people and groups you are connected to and how you interact with them, such as the people you communicate with the most or the groups you like to share with. Facebook also collects contact information you provide if you upload, sync or import this information (such as an address book) from a device.

4. Financial information when you purchase on Facebook

If you use Facebook Services for purchases or for financial transactions (like when you buy something on Facebook, make a purchase in a game, or make a donation), Facebook collects and stores information about that purchase or transaction. This includes your payment information, such as your credit or debit card number and other card information, and other account and authentication information, as well as billing, shipping and contact details.

5. Information about device you use to access Facebook

Facebook collects information from or about the computers, phones, or other devices where you install or access Facebook Services. Here are some examples of the device information Facebook collects:

  • Attributes such as the operating system, hardware version, device settings, file and software names and types, battery and signal strength, and device identifiers.
  • Device locations, including specific geographic locations, such as through GPS, Bluetooth, or WiFi signals.
  • Connection information such as the name of your mobile operator or ISP, browser type, language and time zone, mobile phone number and IP address.
6. Information from websites and apps that use Facebook Services

Facebook collects certain information when you visit or use third-party websites and apps that use Facebook Services (e.g; the Like or Share button you see on many websites). This information includes the websites and apps you visit, your use of Facebook Services on those websites and apps, as well as information the developers or publishers of apps or websites–provides about you to Facebook.

7. Information from Facebook’s third-party partners

Facebook receives information about users and their activities on and off Facebook, from third-party partners, such as information from a partner Facebook collaborates with or from an advertiser about user experiences or interactions with their brand on Facebook.

See Facebook’s Data and Privacy Basics page for more on how the information (data) you give Facebook is used.

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