FBtutorial.com — With the 2016 United States presidential election underway, Facebook is in the news for routinely suppressing conservative news on the popular social networking platform....
FBtutorial.com — There are many reasons a Page Manager or Owner may want to ban someone from their Facebook Page. Especially repeated spammers and trolls who visit pages just to attack others in the comment section of your page posts. ...
FBtutorial.com — Since Facebook rolled out a new "Auto-reported by Facebook" in Groups sometime last month (April 2016), many Group Admins had (and are probably still having) very negative experience with the new automated reporting robot by Facebook. ...
FBtutorial.com — Good news for Windows 10 Users, as Facebook officially announce the release of apps for Messenger, Instagram and of course Facebook, for users on Windows 10....
FBtutorial.com — 2 years ago (March 2014), Facebook retired its email address service and forwarded messages to users' personal email accounts. Now, users are being notified Facebook.com Automatic Email Forwarding ending after May 1st, 2016; FBtutorial reports....
FBtutorial.com — It seems the social network giant have rolled out a new reporting system called "Auto-reported by Facebook", as witnessed in Facebook Groups; FBtutorial.com reports. ...