Facebook finally explains new “Auto-reported by Facebook” in Groups
FBtutorial.com — Since Facebook rolled out a new “Auto-reported by Facebook” in Groups sometime last month (April 2016), many Group Admins had (and are probably still having) very negative experience with the new automated reporting robot by Facebook.

Apparently after receiving and reviewing the many complaints Users are having with the new automated reporting tool, the social network giant finally explains how the Facebook auto-reports work in Groups, and appears to have also improved on it.
Facebook Help Center has been updated to provide Users with answers to what happens when Facebook auto-reports content in their groups.
What happens when Facebook auto-reports content in groups?
According to Facebook Help Center, when a group member posts something that might be inappropriate or offensive, group admins may automatically be notified to review and manage the post. Posts that have been auto-reported will not be shared to the group until a group admin has approved them. Group admins may also choose to delete the post and block the group member who created the post.
If a group admin approves several auto-reported posts, content will eventually stop being auto-reported.
Group Admins are advised to keep in mind that any post that has been approved by administrators may still be removed from Facebook if it is reported for going against Community Standards.

Heather, who admins a Group on Facebook and one of the first to share her negative experience with the new “Auto-reported by Facebook” here on FBtutorial.com, finally updated us on May 4th, she’s no longer having any issues with the Facebook Auto-Reports.
In her own words:
“The good news is that if admin allow a certain number of what we deem innocent posts, that have been auto reported by Facebook, the auto reporting by Facebook stops! We were plagued by posts being auto reported that were within standards, and let them all through to be posted and remain, on the group. We no longer get any! Woo hoo!”
The question still remain though, if this auto-reporting robot is a tool that Group Admins can’t do without, and if Facebook should allow actively moderated groups continue to manually administer their community without any automated interference from Facebook? Share your thoughts on FBtutorial.com!
I think it can be done without. Admins can monitor their own sites or shouldn’t have them. The problem is that fb is going after individuals now. And by fb own terms of service this is harassing. I personally was on a three day ban and did absolutely nothing wrong, the pic that was singled out had already been approved by fb 3 years ago. (fully dressed woman by the way). I think developers has better take a closer look at how the bots are being used. several people are being singled out and banned for no reason at all.
I’ve been ban for a week a few times and it’s not fair. Whats going on here? I need answers. You people from Facebook don’t tell me anything.
@John — Thank you for your comment on FBtutorial.com!
We totally relate to your point about Facebook allowing Admins to manage their group on their own terms, otherwise they should’ve never created the group in the first place if unable to self-manage.
Sorry to know Facebook suspended your account for three days. The real problem here is that the temporary banning/suspending process is being automated (programmed), not on an individual basis.
With over 1.6 billion monthly active users (and growing), and only 14k employees; more and more tasks on Facebook will have to be automated. This is why Facebook is at the forefront of advancing machine intelligence with its Facebook AI Research (FAIR).
We’ll continue to research and write about Facebook with tips, tutorials, news and reports, so you and others on FBtutorial.com can continue using the platform the best way possible.
— FBtutorial team
John, I completely agree. I”m so irritated with this stupid auto report. As an administrator of a group I did not create, I’m having to approve post after post of completely innocent posts. I’m starting to recognize a pattern though of CONSERVATIVE political posts being flagged! So where are all the LIBERAL news posts that should then be getting EQUALLY flagged? This pattern I’m starting to recognize is absolutely NOT okay and no where NEAR being able to be considered obscend OR flaggable! I think I know what is going on. FB is trying to find ways way track and censor politically conservative people and posts. Because I have YET to notice ANY porn or obscene “auto flagged” posts come through for approval but ALL 100% political conservative posts. THIS is PURE bullshit right wing censorship. FB thinks people are that stupid they won’t notice? OH so you know to make it look good they’ll try to catch any port. OH but I notice all those rayban virus carrying posts go through just fine. NICE.
I was banned for 7 days and still on ban for a memory picture of my mother and a picture of a dog.if they are going to remove content I don’t have a problem but why ban an admin for an innocent picture.this has happened to several admins I know.others people have not been banned.also my admins are not getting notifications to remove a picture.I hope it gets fixed.
@Janis — Sorry to hear you were also temporarily auto-banned from Facebook. As stated in our reply to @John comment ^ above; the real problem here is that the temporary banning/suspending process is being automated (programmed), not on an individual or manual basis. You probably wouldn’t have been temporarily placed on a ban—if the picture was manually reviewed by a real Facebook employee.
We agree there are issues with Facebook’s programming of automated policing (ban robots), which is leaving a great amount of users dissatisfied with the platform. They definitely need to work on it, and FBtutorial.com is helping to bring both Facebook and the public’s awareness to this concerns thru our website.
You may want to check out Facebook community standards to help understand what type of sharing is allowed on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/communitystandards
We’ll continue to research and write about Facebook with tips, tutorials, news and reports, so you and other regular visitors of FBtutorial.com can continue using the FB platform the best way possible.
— FBtutorial team
if admin Approve auto reported post , its remain appear in reporting section not post in groups. this bot not working correctly .
if any admin approve a post it must be show in groups. facebook not give full rights to admin i notice that .
Same here. It’s getting really annoying and frustrating to see almost every post getting auto reported by fb. “The good news that if admin allow a certain number of what we deem innocent posts, that have been auto reported by Facebook, the auto reporting by Facebook stops is not true, simple because the button to allow post to go through doesn’t work. The question still remains. When will this be fixed?
I don’t think FB should be monitoring anything in a closed or secret group. People joined for a reason and have the right to remove themselves if the content isn’t what they like. People shouldn’t even be allowed to report posts in a group. They joined and can leave. Why ruin the fun for the majority? Unless it’s harassment or something like that the group admins should be allowed to monitor and handle their own groups.
I agree!! Question for you: With this new auto snitch has anyone experienced being blamed for reporting a post when they never did report it?
Lol . I would agree with you but Facebook’s rules apply to everybody on Facebook, you cannot exempt members of secret or closed groups from what Facebook does with the rest of the communit
I absolutely agree with this. Alot of groups are made for like minded people to gather and share. What’s offensive to one person, may be found funny or inoffensive to another. Facebook should allow people to create groups for people that don’t share the same views as the general public. Let them have their groups and label them as adult, or whatever, just like the chatrooms of old. As long as the content is shared within the closed group, away from Facebook’s general populace, there wouldn’t be problems. Make it clear that these groups may contain content that some may find offensive. Of course, make sure things like rape, child abuse/molestation, extreme violence, and bullying are not allowed, even within those groups. If they allowed more groups where people could share without worry of reports or bans, there would be less sharing of that type of content, and less reporting on the open areas of facebook. But you can’t expect every person on Facebook to fall in line and have the same opinions and ideals on everything within facebook. I’ve seen people get offended and report someone over something that doesn’t violate facebook standards at all. I’ve had it done to me personally. And now with the ban bots, there isn’t a list of what is or isn’t allowed and seeing as everyone’s opinion and sense of humor is different, the number of reports and bans are just going to rise, costing more money to fix.
I know people who have deactivated their accts because of fb and these reports landing them in fb jail. Content that’s allowed by the group admins but fb auto reported…good job fb run some more people off
This A.I. platform sucks. My videos has music on it. Then it gets removed for copyright infringement. When I know it’s for public use.
I know what’s legal and what’s not legal to use. Also you should redo the keywords, so users don’t keep getting banned for no reason.
If you need any help I am also a coder.
I wish I could turn this off. We have a closed group for people affected with a medical condition, who can be very self conscious about their hands and feet. For a Facebook robot then to report a post with pictures of hands or feet affected by the condition to decide it may be ‘offensive or disturbing’ is very painful for our members. Surely hands and feet are not offensive! Please let me monitor my own group, and don’t depress my group’s members even more.
I think if no one reports you then leave it alone…. Especially in Secret groups
so, why did it auto report an article from CNN on Bill Crystal and the guy who may run third party against Trump?
I think appointed admins can handle the job given to them..
No robots needed..
It’s too much control
I agree. The secret groups are for members that share common interest. If a user does not wish to see posts, no one is forcing them to do so. It seems harassing of fb to keep banning people and this fb jail Bologna. That’s not the word I wanted to use either. Please figure this out before we all just shut down our fb accounts.
I just think its completly horrible and fb trying to police the content in groups have failed miserably, sure it may be keeping some obscene things from being posted but its reporting things not inappropriate that do not violate policy or terms and all you can do about it is take your ban. If you mess up you get punished, if FB messes up you get punished. I am ready for another social media craze to take over like what fb did to Myspace, needs to be done to fb. Someone make a better alternative please!
I’m an admin in a secret group. I haven’t seen this yet, but really hope from the sounds of it that I don’t. We have a few people who are admins and we do a great job monitoring our group. Not everyone is going to like everything they see, but they can always leave the group or if they express their feelings in a negative way we can remove them ourselves. We don’t need someone to do that for us. The group is “Secret” for a reason! I’ve seen groups that are a LOT worse than others and the thing I saw were not for me. I removed myself and went on with my life. People just need to grow up and get the sticks out of their butts. FB needs to realize that we are grown and can handle ourselves.
I’ve approved many posts several times and they still auto-report them. It’s a mess and costing me a lot of time!
now a day’s its really easy to report any account of any1, Facebook and thr team don’t care weather the account is continually used since 5 + year’s, any one will make fake reports and Facebook will accept agree and disable the account without giving chance to clarify his side, even after submitting passport copy, still Facebook disabled my account in whch I have all my memories and data saved.
Facebook you guy’s are doing ridiculous.
This is just crazy, I manage a few groups with high member numbers , Before if someone reported a post i would take care of it, delete or ban the post . Now with this auto report from facebook , i get more that 150 flagged posts i one day in one of my larger groups , just how long do you think it takes me to go through all that. Its just impossible . Go back to the old ways or make a option that we can choose to have the robot flag post . Come one facebook . sort this crap out
I’m an admin of a closed group for cancer patients. Our logo is a dandelion head. A member posted a photo of a dandelion head today and FB have auto reported it. Can someone from FB tell me why this has happened? It in no way can be mistaken for anything other than a dandelion head !
Can you know who the person that did the auto reporting?
@Rose — the auto reporting is by Facebook AI robots.
In other words, Facebook is the one doing the reporting to Group Admins/Moderators so they can review and remove the content themselves.
huge question here..im banned for 2 days for posting in my closed group… if a group is closed or secret why not let the admins or MODS run the group, if the group is in that restriction why does facebook have to get involved.. auto reporting is is stupid.. if someone doesnt like what they seen why not have that person report it and give the admin party heads up to a violation so they can fix it without getting banned, or better question.. if its a restricted group that you have to have a admin approve you.. if something gets reported.. give it to the admins for 12 hours so they can fix the situation.. the group or the group leaders and other people of the group shouldn’t be punished from one person not liking what they seen.. from a person reporting a stupid cat photo to be a troll.. all the way up to nudity in the group.. yes facebook is a social community.. however.. not all houses have open doors and some clubs you have to be a member to get into.. common sense facebook is all we ask.. if the group is anything but public it should be ran by the admin and mods.. not the facebook standard.. its a group.. if people dont like what they see.. let us people that run the group or page.. talk to them and see how we can help.. if they dont like what they seen and thats the only reason.. they can leave the group.. so the rest of us can continue to do what we like.. one person.. or even facebook shouldnt be able to police our group if its restricted.. point black.. most restricted groups are admin aprove only.. we will protect our own if facebook will let us..
The article states that Admin of a group has the ability to approve or deny post that were flagged. Well I created and Admin my group, at no time have I received any notifications of possible questioned post, but members were still put in “FB jail” for their post. So appears this article is wrong. Next is a question, is a “secret” group monitored the same way by this AI crap does on “closed” or public groups.
Hi everyone, here is a problem I have with FB that I am unable to resolve – any advice, please? Below is a letter I have written to FB:
I currently have a problem on Face Book, with my groups, which I am unable to resolve by e-mailing Face Book support and request your assistance in this matter, please.
The problem is being caused with groups that I own and for ALL members of Admin on those groups (five admin). I knew that there was some problems with my groups when they were open, so I closed them all, but the problems have escalated and are being caused by members within the groups that I am unable to identify.
The problem has intensified since October this year and all admin are currently blocked from posting to or joining groups. Since none of the admin is joining any groups, that is not the problem. Once any block is removed, it is immediately re-instated by FB within a matter of days or even hours, which means none of us can post to our own closed groups. This is caused by unidentified members within the groups marking any admin posts as “spam’ in large volumes. I do know the people behind it as they are also attacking me on skype, by e-mail, phone and by means of physical assault. The police are involved both in the UK and Bulgaria, but that is obviously not something I am asking FB for help with, just an indicator, which may be of some use to you.
Since these people organise enough others to mark any post made by admin within our own closed groups as “spam”, this eventually activates Facebook’s automated systems and everyone is blocked from posting to groups. I assume this is not the first time FB has come across a problem like this and would ask you to kindly resolve it.
Examples of the type of post that is being marked as spam in volume on our closed groups:
You told us that your post wasn’t spam
Why your post was removed
We removed this post because it looks like spam to us. If you did post this and don’t believe it’s spam, you can let us know.
Gabriella Giovanni shared Insanely Delish’s post to the group: Buying British Food in Bulgaria – tips and advice – British Lion Food Store.
1 hr
Creamy Parmesan Garlic Mushroom Chicken
Insanely Delish added a new video.
December 21 at 11:00pm ·
This CREAMY PARMESAN GARLIC MUSHROOM CHICKEN will be one of the best meals you ever make. I promise!!
PRINTABLE RECIPE HERE: http:// therecipecritic.com/…/creamy-parmesan-garlic-mushro…/
Next steps
Thanks for letting us know about this post. We’ll try to take another look to check if it goes against our Community Standards and send you a message here in your Support Inbox if we have an update.
Our reply
Thanks again for letting us know about this post. We took another look and found it doesn’t go against our Community Standards, so we’ve restored your post. We’re sorry for the trouble and appreciate you taking the time to get in touch with us so that we could correct this.
I would ask you to kindly take action on this as soon as you can as the position is untenable and no-one is able to support groups, making it look as if we have abandoned them, which, of course, is the intention of the people behind this.
Thank you for your help.
Yours sincerely,
George St Clare.
I’ve been a fb member for over 9 years and now a group admin for over a year and my group is doing well within a short period of time. I’ve never been blocked before but it looks like fb is getting annoying and petty with what is inappropriate and was once acceptable on fb.
I’ve been blocked 2 times in a row, back to back and currently banned for 3 days for posting content that were acceptable to post on fb. So who’s policing the group when you blocked the admin of a closed group??????
I agree with all who are in favor of having people leave a closed group if they feel that the contents are not to their liking simply because some people are miserable or childish and are out to spoil others fun.
I’m ready for the next big social media platform to take over which would allow their members to be free at expressing themselves. Just like we have various tv channels to select from.
Review & adjust your policy fb and find a middle ground if you intend to dominate social media for years to come.
Let admin manage their groups. My group neither was fb created for saints or religious purpose so stop micromanaging grown adults. You’ve added a few useful features to block out members for spamming etc but we cannot used these features or post within our own group due to your policies.
It seems you can’t say anything without this annoying feature. FB has become ridiculous.
The most flags we get in our groups are gifs,in the comments, I mean….these gifs come from Facebook directly?